There are 460 calories in a Mini Turkey & Provolone from Jersey Mike's. Most of those calories come from fat (46%) and carbohydrates (33%).
To burn the 460 calories in a Mini Turkey & Provolone, you would have to run for 40 minutes or walk for 66 minutes.
According to our website visitors, a Mini Turkey & Provolone is a healthy and nutritious option from Jersey Mike's, with 75% of voters finding it to be healthy.
Let us know what you think! Review the nutrition facts above and then vote on whether you think a Mini Turkey & Provolone is healthy or not.
Allergy Information: a Jersey Mike's Turkey & Provolone contains gluten, milk and wheat. a Jersey Mike's Turkey & Provolone does not contain egg, fish, peanuts, shellfish, soy or tree nuts.*
* Please keep in mind that most fast food restaurants cannot guarantee that any product is free of allergens as they use shared equipment for prepping foods.
There are 14 Weight Watchers Freestyle Points, 14 WW SmartPoints and 13 WW PointsPlus in a serving of Mini Turkey & Provolone from Jersey Mike's.
Select a second item to compare to the Mini Turkey & Provolone from Jersey Mike's.