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Fuddruckers Original 1/2 lb Burger On Wheat Bun Nutrition Facts

Fuddruckers Original 1/2 lb Burger On Wheat Bun Nutrition Facts

A Fuddruckers Original 1/2 lb Burger On Wheat Bun contains 718 calories and 27 grams of carbohydrates.

Keep reading to see the full nutrition facts and Weight Watchers points for a Original 1/2 lb Burger On Wheat Bun from Fuddruckers.

Fuddruckers Original 1/2 lb Burger On Wheat Bun Nutrition Facts

Updated: 7/16/2021
Serving Size 1 Serving
Calories 718 See analysis
Calories From Fat 0
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value*
Saturated Fat 12g 60%
Sodium 567mg 24%
Total Carbohydrates 27g 9%
Potassium 0mg 0%

*All percent daily value figures are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.

Nutritional information source: Fuddruckers

Calorie analysis

There are 718 calories in a Original 1/2 lb Burger On Wheat Bun from Fuddruckers. Most of those calories come from carbohydrates (100%).

To burn the 718 calories in a Original 1/2 lb Burger On Wheat Bun, you would have to run for 63 minutes or walk for 103 minutes.

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