There are 790 calories in a Medium Strawberry Shake from Sonic. Most of those calories come from fat (47%) and carbohydrates (47%).
To burn the 790 calories in a Medium Strawberry Shake, you would have to run for 69 minutes or walk for 113 minutes.
TIP: You could reduce your calorie intake by 160 calories by choosing the Small Strawberry Shake (630 calories) instead.
According to our website visitors, a Medium Strawberry Shake is not a healthy and nutritious option from Sonic, with only 17% of voters finding it to be healthy.
Let us know what you think! Review the nutrition facts above and then vote on whether you think a Medium Strawberry Shake is healthy or not.
There are 38 Weight Watchers Freestyle Points, 38 WW SmartPoints and 21 WW PointsPlus in a serving of Medium Strawberry Shake from Sonic.
Select a second item to compare to the Medium Strawberry Shake from Sonic.