How Much Fat Do Average Americans Get From Fast Food?

How many times a year are you eating fast food? For the average American, the answer to that question is a whopping 159 times! If those meals consist of a burger and fries, you'd be eating 7,000 grams of fat a year just from fast food! That's so much fat, that it would fill up eleven 20 oz soda bottles!
The reality is that with our fast-paced modern lives, we're crunched for time and cutting out the convenience of fast food is not likely to happen. Instead of trying to remove fast food from your diet, try to make better choices when you find yourself at a fast food restaurant. can help! Our mobile site will let you look up nutrition facts on your phone, right from the line of your favorite fast food restaurant. Look up the nutrition facts, find something healthy and don't let those eleven soda bottles worth of fat end up in your rear end!