There are 150 calories in a Hot Dog from Portillo's. Most of those calories come from fat (75%).
To burn the 150 calories in a Hot Dog, you would have to run for 13 minutes or walk for 21 minutes.
According to our website visitors, it's hard to tell if Hot Dog from Portillo's is a healthy option. Our visitors are split on the issue, with 46% of visitors thinking a Hot Dog is healthy and 54% thinking it's unhealthy.
Let us know what you think! Review the nutrition facts above and then vote on whether you think a Hot Dog is healthy or not.
Allergy Information: a Portillo's Hot Dog does not contain egg, fish, gluten, milk, MSG, peanuts, shellfish, soy, sulfites, tree nuts or wheat.*
* Please keep in mind that most fast food restaurants cannot guarantee that any product is free of allergens as they use shared equipment for prepping foods.
There are 5 Weight Watchers Freestyle Points, 5 WW SmartPoints and 4 WW PointsPlus in a serving of Hot Dog from Portillo's.